An Essential Guide to How Stress Affects a Person
Everyone knows that stress exists. You and I deal with it every single day of our lives. But, what many don’t understand is how stress affects a person. It can change who you are, what you think, and how you feel.
As humans, we all cope with stress in our own ways. We may choose to ignore it which really isn’t coping and can lead to more serious physical and mental health problems. Or we may turn it to our advantage, run from it, or get beaten down by it. Whichever way we choose to deal with stress the fact remains the same: Stress does affect a person and shouldn’t be ignored.
If you choose to ignore stress your body, will begin to feel “overloaded.” It’s not healthy to let stress linger; to let it feed off of your internal organs. As I mentioned before, holding in the things that are bothering you could lead to serious health risks. Most of us like to think we’re strong and can handle anything placed before us. So what if you can run yourself ragged twenty-four hours a day? So what if you can muster up the energy on only two hours of sleep?
No prizes are given out for that lifestyle. And none of these things will matter when stress decides to blow up in your face. So just how does stress affect a person?
If you don’t take the time to deplete the stressors you’re faced with you’ll soon find you can’t think as clearly, and you may even become filled with rage. Furthermore, your body can only take so much abuse.
When your body and mind have been filled with enough pain and aggravation, you begin to weaken and you may not even realize it at first. And the effects of the weakening process will change who you are and why you exist. You’ll also start to realize changes- for the worse -in your physical health. Stress poses some significant health risks such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and gastric problems. It can also lead to weight gain, premature again, and simply feeling more aches and pains.
Stress affects a person in some deadly ways… stress is a capable killer. It needs to be taken seriously by everyone- no exceptions.
Choosing to run from stress will not stop it. Stress can and will catch up to you no matter where you flee to or where you try to hide. Instead, face the challenge head-on. Please don’t let stress affect you as a person in any significant negative way.
You don’t want to become like some folks. I’m talking about people who let stress beat them down so badly that they’re unrecognizable. The person that they once were is “lost.”
They become irritable, agitated, exhausted, hopeless, defiant, submissive, and antisocial. They stop exploring the joys of life and instead dwell on the evils. They lose all concentration and enter into denial. They stop communicating with the outside world. They give up on hope and latch on to despair. They become lost souls.
Conversely, when you use stress to your advantage you’ve learned the skill of processing stress positively. You’ve learned to cope with it effectively and to channel it. You don’t let the little things wear you down. You thrive to have bigger things fall into your lap.
You take the time to think about the situation confronting you. Then you decide how you can use it to move forward. You harness the energy normally wasted on stress and used to fuel your ambitions. You’re not afraid of stress. Instead, you let it affect you positively.
How stress affects a person varies from person to person. But it doesn’t have to alter your personality. It doesn’t have to be a demon. And it doesn’t have to cause chaos in your life or those you love. You can manage it and you can be the winner in stressful situations.