Sleep Apnea? Keys to Having a Better Sleep
There are two main types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. The one you get from the doctor is obstructive. It makes breathing difficult to breathe through. The obstructive sleep apnea happens when the lower part of the mouth opens and closes at the same time, preventing air from flowing out easily.
You can have central sleep apnea if your brain does not send signals to your breathing muscles as it does with normal breathing. The brain is just sending weak signals to those muscles that make up your airway. These signals may also be transmitted to your heart, causing it to be weakened too. Central sleep apnea is very rare and occurs in less than 10% of all sleep apnea patients.
Sleeping disorders should not be taken lightly because of the potential for serious health conditions. When you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you should be evaluated by a sleep center for further assessment and treatment to prevent further complications from occurring.
Obstructive sleep apnea has been a major concern of physicians and researchers over the years. This form of apnea makes it difficult for a person to breathe through their nose while sleeping. Usually, the throat muscles relax and the mouth opens to fill the airway while the nasal passages remain shut.
When a person sleeps, his body produces deep breathing through the nose and mouth and this leads to a typical nightly sleep, where a person gets almost no sleep at all due to the loud snoring sound. During the night, a portion of the brain is in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage, which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate. So the brain is awakened when the snorer is awake. As a result, the person has difficulty breathing during sleep.
It is dangerous to sleep without proper breathing and it could lead to total sleep deprivation. It is also extremely dangerous to sleep with this type of apnea since sleep apnea can cause your heart rate to increase and trigger irregular heart rhythms.
No matter how severe your sleep apnea is, you must continue to take care of yourself by taking care of your overall health. It is important to note that stress and lifestyle can contribute to sleep apnea as well. As a sufferer, you may be using multiple medications to treat your sleep apnea, which makes the condition worse. This is a self-perpetuating cycle since the medications only mask the problem and do not solve it.
If you or someone you know suffers from sleep apnea, you must seek treatment immediately. Your doctor can perform an overnight breathing test and take care of other things first, such as keeping an eye on you and monitoring your health. Since sleeping disorders like sleep apnea are often a symptom of other diseases, you might have other underlying health issues, which must be addressed before you can even consider treating the disorder.
If you are being treated for sleep apnea, remember that your health is being assessed before you are put on any medications to help with the symptoms of your health problems. Once you are properly diagnosed, your doctor will be able to prescribe the right medications that best address your condition. However, if your sleep apnea is caused by a more serious medical condition, like sleep apnea due to diabetes, you will need to see a specialist to get it treated.
It is important to try to keep yourself healthy and avoid sleep disorders and other preventative measures to keep the condition from worsening. You should also learn to recognize signs of sleep apnea and seek treatment promptly as a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If you do not take care of your health, the disorder may become worse and cause a person to have long-term damage to their health.
Please remember that you are not alone in dealing with sleep apnea and that you are not a hopeless case; in fact, your doctor is going to be the person who tries to make sure that you keep good health and that the disorder does not get worse. due to the frustration that you feel at not having good sleep. And you can also feel confident that you can seek treatment from your doctor if you have sleep apnea since you have only yourself to blame if you do not pay attention to your health.